Postmodernism is dead - Seeking

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Thursday, October 20, 2005 

Postmodernism is dead

Honestly, I am just over it. Plus I needed a new look-like everyone else! So, I decided that I need a whole new agenda as well. I also decided that when I get bored I am going to attempt to redo the whole theme and feel of my blog. Inconsistency is more interesting anyway.

This is the new plan:

Every week I will seek to improve myself or the world in some way. It may be a tiny/ silly way or it may be a long term plan for personal change, or I may even fail to do much other then smile more at people I pass by on the street. I guess it is a personal experiment and way to motivate change within myself.

I will write about the plan and then the following week re-cap and seek another new “do good (kind of) goal.

This week I will seek to improve myself by developing my creativity and by re-opening my playful curious side.

It will be a short week. But I kind of already started last night by beginning a small craft project:

I have had these (3 inch” by 3 inch” 1 centimeter thick) wood block cut outs for about 3 years.
I have six of them.
3 of them are shaped like squares and three like hearts. I bought them at a craft store thinking they would make for a really great base for mini-pictures or paintings or something and hoped they would become a series of miniature portraits.

So, I found these blocks last night and then went perusing around some papers I saved. I found this funny brochure/timeline of the history of Harper'’s Ferry, from a little tourist welcome center I went to while I was there. The timeline includes a small glossy sketch picture of Harper'’s Ferry as it looked years ago, during the civil war. I knew this image would look cool on one of my wood blocks. I think each block will be some image from a place I have been. This being the first of the series. I am going to use a glue called Modge Podge and layer it on the Harper's Ferry image until I have a thick coat. Then I will cut out the image so it fits on the block. That is about as far as I have gotten in terms of what the first block will look like. Anyway, that is how I am seeking creativity so far this week!

Let me know your thoughts…
Oh and if you were one of my links before and you are not now, I need you to comment so I can get your link again.

Like the new idea - but your quality reading links don't work anymore - maybe i should do a bloggy blog too

It's very postmodern to say "postmodernism is dead". Heh.

New look is cool, I like the stars.

I think I fixed the quality reading links -some one give the heads up if I didn't.

Sarah- I e-mailed you-because it has been way too long

Cat-It is postmodern to put it that way isn't it? Now I can't escape it.agghhh. Going to go comment about werido mormons on your blog to distract myself right now...

Me- start a blog for sure!

Modge Podge! That WAS my 70's childhood. We Modge-Podged everything that didn't move. Wow. You are giving me ideas. . . like for a crafts party. That's what we did in the 70's- our birthday parties were about Modge Podge, sand art, tie-dying and making God's eyes.

Hey Em , I've missed you , hope to see you soon. Thanks for the advice.(I have gone a bit crazy)


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  • I'm emilyahostutler
  • From Santa Rosa, California, United States
  • Some house hunting images
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