What I haven't done, Week 2
Week 2's goal? Working on my Peace Corp app. So I can take over, I mean..save the world.
I did at least look at and admire my application. It is an on-line app.
I made a small start on the 10-year job history section. The Peace Corps wants you to tell them exactly what you have done for the past 10 years as well as compensate for any not working/not schooling time. Wow. Part of me wants to refer to that 6 months living in the half-way house as "volunteer work with recovering addicts and alcoholics." Which is only sort of dishonest. The app. itself is so cumbersome. Even your personal and work references actually need to type up some sort of (also cumbersome) report on you and then e-mail it to the site. Luckily, a super awesome lady agreed to spend her free time doing my very first one.
Remember Week 1? I haven't forgotten my little art project. I am waiting for pay day so I can go to Pearl (greatest art supply store ever) and get some ribbon, paint and wire to finish off the series and make it hangable.
On this whole creative tip, I started another project. I recently got a digital camera for my birthday. I love it. I take it everywhere. Anyway, everyday when I walk home from work, I have to walk over this bridge. The bridge has tremendously intricate graffiti and art pasted on the side. I took pictures all the way home yesterday. As soon as I move into my new pad and my internet is in order again, I am going to start a photo blog so you guys don't get bored. I also promised my grandparents that I would post a picture of myself in this fantastic tribal-like beaded outfit, an artifact (probably belongs in a museum), that my gran passed on to me.
Anyway, here is an old fashioned postmodern link:
Liquid Sculpture
I did at least look at and admire my application. It is an on-line app.
I made a small start on the 10-year job history section. The Peace Corps wants you to tell them exactly what you have done for the past 10 years as well as compensate for any not working/not schooling time. Wow. Part of me wants to refer to that 6 months living in the half-way house as "volunteer work with recovering addicts and alcoholics." Which is only sort of dishonest. The app. itself is so cumbersome. Even your personal and work references actually need to type up some sort of (also cumbersome) report on you and then e-mail it to the site. Luckily, a super awesome lady agreed to spend her free time doing my very first one.
Remember Week 1? I haven't forgotten my little art project. I am waiting for pay day so I can go to Pearl (greatest art supply store ever) and get some ribbon, paint and wire to finish off the series and make it hangable.
On this whole creative tip, I started another project. I recently got a digital camera for my birthday. I love it. I take it everywhere. Anyway, everyday when I walk home from work, I have to walk over this bridge. The bridge has tremendously intricate graffiti and art pasted on the side. I took pictures all the way home yesterday. As soon as I move into my new pad and my internet is in order again, I am going to start a photo blog so you guys don't get bored. I also promised my grandparents that I would post a picture of myself in this fantastic tribal-like beaded outfit, an artifact (probably belongs in a museum), that my gran passed on to me.
Anyway, here is an old fashioned postmodern link:
Liquid Sculpture
Hey Em, I know how those apps are One big pain, The one I did for the government took forever. Good luck and looking forward to the pics.
Posted by
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Peace Corps - hmmmm - it is a government job, and, frankly, look at this government would you? Why not American Friends Service Committee? Good luck, regardless, but I do think you should have them fill out a lenghty application as to why they deserve to take two years of your life in quasi military duty, after or during which they will probably ask you if you will "collect information for national security".
And perhaps some errant writer has sketched you in words, created an entire universe around you, or at least thought "what amazing eyes".
Posted by
Friday, October 28, 2005
Hey Nick- Thanks! I'll try to get pics up soon!
Sarah- See you soon, I am starving!!
Tatwig-I agree 100% about the sad, sad state of this %#@uc*$d up government. I am not sure though that the Peace Corps is as quasi militant as it may seem. I am spoken to some trust worthy lefty liberals who served and it doesn't sound too terrible.
My new trick is trying to work from the inside out. I will check the Friends Committee out though for sure!
Posted by
Friday, October 28, 2005
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007