Samantha - Seeking

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Thursday, June 23, 2005 


Jake sat on the rustic porch and appeared just as an old hound would sitting proud in front of the picturesque cabin. He gave little attention to his owner as Salvador disappeared inside. He did seem however to be peering right into the Buick. This made Samantha a little uneasy. Samantha returned to perusing the radio stations which were beginning to be eaten by static as combinations of two or more stations became the norm. She settled on a mix of the "teachings of Jesus Christ" and George Clinton's Atomic Bomb. Moments like this amused Samantha to no end. She adjusted the seat slightly as to recline and contemplated the silence of the car ride so far. She had not spoken once to this stranger yet she felt an instant attraction. She chalked the attraction up to the conditioning of modern film and pornography. Stranger picks up young women = instant death or sex in the back seat. At this point she was not opposed to either but thought there may be potential for something more significant. She regressed to her lost naivete and flirted with the idea that this adventure was going to result in some sort of spiritual awakening. Perhaps her whole life was now finally arriving at an epic pinnacle of rebirth. The trailer, decorative in a nicotine stained curtain kind of way, could easily be gone forever. A child-like excitement grew from a deep buried place inside Samantha, a place where she had not ventured in far too long. She anticipated where the stranger was going to take them. Then she wanted a cigarette more then anything in the world. The gift was granted. She instinctively turned her head to the back seat and a pack of unopened camel lights called "yes we are here". She had not smoked in about two years. It only took thirty seconds for her to decide that it was okay to smoke now. She patiently waited for Salvador to return and kept her self busy by reorganizing the items in her purse.

(to be continued)

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  • From Santa Rosa, California, United States
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