Pomo Fashion Show - Seeking

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Friday, August 19, 2005 

Pomo Fashion Show

Salvador recently said to Samantha that he could envision her pulling off funky styled attire, or something to that effect. Samantha got that distant look in her eyes and recalled a time when she wore giantic pants and face stickers while dancing ten hours strait (bleeding toes) at raves.
She really did.

So, I have been thinking about postmodernism and fashion and during my internet perusing have become obsessed with the Gothic-Lolita Japanese styled clothing sub culture popularized in the States by Gwen Stefani.

Anyway, I wonder how odd it would seem if I just spontaneously began showing up to things in this new style, something has to save me from my "little know job" as the poster child for this.

Anyway Some Examples:

The mini and regular head dressings adorned by teens all over Asia are sublime:

LoliGoth is said to be a reaction to the Kogal and Ganguro trends. These are kind of a scary themed look but none-the-less post-modern. I favor the gothy rivals.

Some creepy Kogals

Not to be confused with the more extreme Ganguro...

...funny, the look I am trying to escape from

Call me an old-fashioned practitioner of the male gaze, but I have to vote for Siouxsie Sioux and Tank Girl and their torchbearers, the Suicide Girls. Of course, if you're going to paint your face, why not go the distance and turn downright Maori! C'mon Gwen.

(did I spell that right? isn't there another vowel? I'm on dial-up tonight and too lazy to look shit up.)

Whoa, Em, this is stuff I was completely clueless about. How bizarre. Japanese teenagers have always seemed to be more aggressively trendy than anyone else in the world.

A little interesting kinda.

tatwig-hmmm Tank Girl (love her) and the suicide girlz are fine by me..I guess I was looking for something even more extreme and not so Americaish
p.s. sadly everything I am wearing today is made by Gap! I can't help it!
Julie-yeah they are way ahead of us!
Nick..uhh.. thanks... sorry to bore you silly!

Not bored, just kinda scared, I'm way out of the loop on this stuff.

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