I was postmodern before I knew it - Seeking

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Thursday, August 04, 2005 

I was postmodern before I knew it

One of my favorite novels in my teens was The Illuminatus Trilogy. I have spent the last decade trying and failing to turn people on to this sort of bible of conspiracy theories and discordianism.

It just doesn't take.

However, I was thinking in relation to the nature of current events and the mass movement towards postmodern activity, the kind of humor in The Trilogy and other similar novels is very applicable to the here and now. Check it out.

Another fetish of mine as a teen included J.R. Bob Dobbs, who you may remember portrayed on one of the CDs of the band Sublime.

If your into this sort of stuff (which you probably have either grown out of or will never be interested in) listen the Album, Chill Out by the KLF and pay attention to the lyrics.

True Story:
I once referred to myself as Madrugata Eterna, the Goddess of Pork and Beans while slipping Illuminatus related pamphlets into the car windshield of the disciplinarian at my high school.



But did you like Jerry Cornelius?

Tatwig-no never read Jerry Cornelius- I looked up a bit about it on wikipedia (I love wikipedia)
I am going to get the first novel this weekend- looks fabulous!

This all sounds pretty familiar for some strange reason...

I think I still have some of those flyers buried in my desk drawer.

Emily -
JC is rather something, although, as I've gotten older and less interested in distopian sci-fi, I felt like his concept outstripped his execution. The author, Moorcock, got more and more into sword and fantasy work (which he's quite good at and has been one of the few old school sci-fi writers to stay current with gaming and character licensing), just not my bag.


Ever check out Pynchon's "V"?


Oh yeah, my point was that Jerry and his league (Una Persson,Catherine, Bishop Beesley) could stand resurrecting! The atavistic, media saturated (inherently post-modern) world of the first books is more with us now than it ever was in swinging London or the 1970s. But I should go copyright these ideas!

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